“To-Do” Lists

Living in Silicon Valley I am very familiar with mission statements, agendas, in-boxes and the ever present “to-do list.” Truth be told, I love my little “to-do” lists. If it weren’t for them and post-it-notes I’m not sure I would remember anything.

To make a proper “to-do” list one must prioritize. List everything and give it a priority number. The #1s would be the most important, whereas the #10s would be the least important. This always irritates me because when I mark off one #1, I can’t go to #2. It never seems like I’m making progress.

Another method is to list everything and give it a letter. For example “A” would be the most important, whereas “Z” would be the least important. If you have too many “A”s on your list then you need to reevaluate. When I use this method I almost never make it to the “F”s never mind the “Z”s.

Another “ABC” method is to put an “A” next to everything that should be done today, “B” next to what should be done tomorrow, and so one. When I use this method I never really know what day it is????

Even though my “to-do” list isn’t quite as organized as the ones you read about, I still manage to get things done. Almost all time management gurus say that when you cross something off your list you should celebrate its completion. This is what I do best. I enjoy this so much that if I do something that’s not on my list I add it, just so I can mark it off and celebrate.

“To-do” lists are great, but they are just tools to help us remember what needs to be done. Generally they list things we have to do as opposed to what we want to do. There are many things that are very important that don’t even make the list…things like telling a spouse or your child “I love you.” Let’s face it, if you have to put that on a “to-do” list you don’t really know the meaning of love.

Some have spiritual “to-do” lists that might include prayer, bible study, meditation, and so forth. I must admit I used to subscribe to this method of staying on the straight and narrow. I’d even make a little prayer list, which began to sound more like a “to-do” for what I wanted God to do for me. I was focused more on what God could do for me rather than building a relationship with Him.

As we come to know God we realize his unconditional love for us. After all, while we were yet sinners Jesus died for us (Romans 5:8). We know God as a loving, caring, Father who never abandons, rejects, or hurts us. We realize that prayer is meant to align our will with God’s rather than talking him into giving us what we want. His will be done, not ours. When we focus on God and align our will to His, our cares and concerns seem to work out – not always the way we would have wanted, but they work out just the same.

I no longer prefer to be quite so regimented in my spiritual life. I think approaching our relationship with God as something we have to do misses the point completely. It should be something we want to do. As our relationship with God deepens we no longer need to be prodded to pray by putting it on a “to-do” list. We understand more fully what it means to pray without ceasing, rejoice always, and give thanks for everything (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). We realize it’s vital to keep in constant communication with the One who gives us the very air we breathe and praise Him for providing it.

With that closing thought, I will write “finish blog” on my “to-do” list so I can check it off. Hooray! Now I can celebrate!

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