Monthly Archives: October 2023
Passing the Buck
The Abundant Life: Riches money can’t buy… Those living the abundant life do not defend poor choices by passing the buck. Passing the buck is an expression that has nothing to do with the American dollar. It actually means to … Continue reading
The Abundant Life: Riches money can’t buy… Some may seem successful, but really aren’t living the abundant life if they haven’t learned to take responsibility, not make excuses, and admit mistakes. General George Patton was a stubborn, obstinate leader. … Continue reading
Life Is Messy
The Abundant Life: Riches money can’t buy… The abundant life realizes that life is unpredictable. It’s filled with inconveniences, difficulties, and frustrations. For want of a better word—life is messy. For those of us who love routine, order, and organization, … Continue reading
The Abundant Life: Riches money can’t buy… Those living the abundant life know how to acknowledge and appreciate others. Those who focus only on work and not relationships can easily become disconnected from those who are most important to them. … Continue reading
Better, Not Bitter
The Abundant Life: Riches money can’t buy… Those living the abundant life strive to be better, not become bitter. When we think we’ve been wronged or treated unfairly, we can become resentful, which is defined as bitter indignation. The Bible … Continue reading