Monthly Archives: August 2016
Choose to Behold Real Beauty
Another Year of Choices By Barbara Dahlgren If beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder, what do I see when I “behold” myself in the mirror? Usually I see an older, slightly overweight, flawed individual whose gray … Continue reading
Choose to Think About What You Sow
Another Year of Choices By Barbara Dahlgren Since our past, present, and future sins have all been forgiven, some Christians think they can get away with sin. After all, when God forgives He “remembers our sins no more…” (Hebrews 8:12; … Continue reading
Choose to Be of Good Cheer
Another Year of Choices By Barbara Dahlgren Jesus told people to be of good cheer – sometimes in the direst of circumstances. The life lesson is that although on the surface it may not look like we have anything to … Continue reading
Choose to Boldly Approach the Throne
Another Year of Choices By Barbara Dahlgren Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace…” Years ago I heard a sermon about this verse. The preacher wasn’t totally advocating a “name it and claim it,” … Continue reading