Monthly Archives: May 2011
In Honor of Memorial Day
Monday is Memorial Day which honors our American soldiers who lost their lives in service to their country. So in honor of Memorial Day, here’s a poem. Let it be a tribute to all the soldiers who know that the … Continue reading
Prediction Addiction
Once again the end of the world has been predicted and not come to pass. Christian broadcaster Harold Camping claimed on Saturday, May 21, 2011 we would experience earthquakes, raptures, and various other end time events. Unfortunately for Camping and … Continue reading
Do You Feel Lucky?
One wonders if the hundreds of Bible translations don’t muddle the message of Christ instead of actually making it easier to understand. In the April 29, 2011 edition of The Week magazine I noticed an article in their Best Columns: … Continue reading
Happy Mother’s Day 2011
It is said that mothers hold their children’s hands for a short time, they hold their hearts forever. Happy Mother’s Day to mothers everywhere! A Mother’s Love A Mother’s love is something that no one can explain, It is made … Continue reading
Too Close to the Edge
Years ago I heard a story about a wealthy woman who advertised for a new driver. She asked the three applicants this question: “How close to a cliff could you drive?” The first man said he could drive within an … Continue reading