Monthly Archives: June 2018
Choose to Accept What You Cannot Change
Yet Another Year of Choices By Barbara Dahlgren I have a phrase for helping me to accept what I cannot change: “It is what it is!” Say you are seated in a restaurant, they bring the menu, and you notice … Continue reading
Choose to Build a Strong Foundation
Yet Another Year of Choices By Barbara Dahlgren In December 2003, a big earthquake hit central California. It was the biggest earthquake to hit the area since 1952 and one of the most widely felt in California history. The jolt … Continue reading
Choose to Laugh
Yet Another Year of Choices By Barbara Dahlgren Ever since Norman Cousins’ bestselling 1979 book Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient: Reflections on Healing and Regeneration was published, more and more studies have surfaced to promote the … Continue reading
Choose to Have Beautiful Feet
Yet Another Year of Choices By Barbara Dahlgren When I was 16 I had a rude awakening. (Actually, I had many rude awakenings at 16, but I’ll just focus on one in this article.) It happened at a sleepover. There … Continue reading