Monthly Archives: February 2012
We Are Witnesses
In the Christian community when we hear the word witness we think of one who stands before people and testifies about what God has done in their lives. Many might say, “I can’t do that” and feel shy about verbally … Continue reading
The Balanced Christian
Balance is a part of our daily lives. We want to eat a balanced diet, send our kids to schools with a balanced curriculum, and balance our check books. Balance holds us steady and allows us to cope with life. … Continue reading
Guard Your Heart
The heart is at the core of our physical existence. We can live without a foot, leg, arm, hand, gall bladder, ear, eye, or even brain function, but without a heart – we die. The heart is also central in … Continue reading
How to Live in the Present
From a worldly point of view those who live in the present deny themselves nothing. They play today and pay tomorrow. Immediate gratification is what they seek. However, from a spiritual perspective we live in the present by being open … Continue reading