Monthly Archives: February 2021
What God Is Doing
Think on These Things: Positive thoughts in a negative world… A radio talk show host in our area asked people to call in and tell him what influences your life and fills you up. Then he added, “…but don’t call … Continue reading
Does God Want Us to Be Rich and Happy?
Think on These Things: Positive thoughts in a negative world… “Oh Lord won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz,” was sung by Janis Joplin years ago. People either think the song is hilarious or they are appalled at the lyrics. … Continue reading
The Love of Christ
Think on These Things: Positive thoughts in a negative world… In the book of Romans, we are asked a rhetorical question: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, … Continue reading
Accepted Not Rejected
Think on These Things: Positive thoughts in a negative world… When I was a kid, one of the cruelest school exercises was choosing teams. Whether it was softball, debate, or whatever, captains were selected. Teachers would then have students stand … Continue reading