Monthly Archives: March 2011

Silver Boxes

Florence Littauer’s book Silver Boxes is about unexpected little gifts of encouragement you give to others. She likens encouragement to a box wrapped in silver with a lovely bow on top. I love this analogy. Encouragement is so important because … Continue reading

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The King’s Speech

The King’s Speech, a low budget movie not expected to please the masses, slowly emerged on the scene and touched the heart of all who saw it.  It’s been a long time since I was excited to see a movie … Continue reading

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Religion vs. Christianity

Are you religious? People make a huge error thinking that Christianity is a religion. It’s not so much a religion as it is a lifestyle. Religion is what you believe but Christianity is what you live. It’s something you do. … Continue reading

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Prayer and Faith

I keep forgetting that prayer and faith go hand in hand.  Therefore, I’m disappointed when God doesn’t give me the answer to a prayer I want, and shocked when he does.  It reminds me of the old story about a … Continue reading

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