Monthly Archives: August 2024


From God comes… From God comes transformation. Transformation means a thorough, dramatic change. The Christian journey starts with repentance which means to change one’s mind and heart. We can’t serve two masters, so we turn away from our sinful nature … Continue reading

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The Way

From God comes… From God come the way—not “a” way, but “the” way. The way is Jesus Christ. Jesus tells us in John 14:6 that He is the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the … Continue reading

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Your Testimony

From God comes… From God comes your testimony which is your story of becoming a Christian or perhaps a specific time when God protected, delivered, or did something special that impacted your life greatly. Testimonies of encountering God are personal … Continue reading

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From God comes… From God comes seasons. Spring, summer, winter, and fall show God’s diversity. Many life lessons can be drawn from watching God’s seasonal creation unfold for it is God who changes the times and the seasons. (Daniel 2:21) … Continue reading

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