Monthly Archives: March 2013
Easter – What Do You Believe?
As Easter fast approaches people anticipate putting on their “Easter bonnets,” (metaphorically speaking, of course) and heading for their annual church meeting to celebrate the risen Christ. I use the word “annual” because for many Easter is the only day … Continue reading
Yes, Virginia, There Is a Saint Patrick
Top of the mornin’ to you (or afternoon, or evening, or night or whatever)! Let’s get into that St. Patrick’s Day spirit. It’s not really one of the more prominent holidays in our area, probably because we don’t have that … Continue reading
Spring Forward
Did you turn your clocks forward? If it weren’t for that little phrase we learned in school, “spring forward/fall back,” I would never be able to figure out whether to turn the clock forward or back. And I’m always confused … Continue reading
Sleep – It’s a Good Thing!
On the way to church a mother told her children they would need to be quiet during the service. “And why should we be quiet in church?” she asked. Her son replied, “Because people are sleeping.” That may be true … Continue reading