
The Abundant Life: Riches money can’t buy…

Some may seem successful, but really aren’t living the abundant life if they haven’t learned to take responsibility, not make excuses, and admit mistakes.  

General George Patton was a stubborn, obstinate leader. He was nicknamed “Old Blood and Guts” and many say he was the greatest combat general of World War II. However, he could never admit being wrong about anything.

One story says that Patton accepted an invitation to dine at a press camp in Africa during World War 2. Wine was served in canteen cups. Patton thought it was coffee, so he poured cream into his cup. As he stirred in sugar, Patton was told that his cup contained red wine and not coffee. General Patton could not admit making a mistake, so without hesitation he drank it and replied, “I know. I like my wine this way.”

Everyone makes mistakes. Some are just plain dumb; some are thoughtless; some are complicated; some are really bad decisions. However, one thing is inevitable. We all make mistakes. (Proverbs 24:16) 

It’s hard to admit when we are wrong because we are very concerned about what others might think. We want to make excuses. We want to justify what we’ve done. We want to blame others or even God. Yet the benefits far outweigh our discomfort when we have the courage to admit we’ve made a mistake. For one thing, the wine tastes much better!

It’s always risky to be open and honest about our mistakes because we feel others will think less of us. This might be true to a certain degree, but most will come along side us, want us to succeed, and appreciate the courage it took to say, “I was wrong. I made a mistake.” These words can actually break down barriers and draw us closer to others. 

Proverbs 28:13 says that those who try to hide their mistakes can’t really succeed in that endeavor. Not only do they forfeit peace of mind, they are always in fear someone will find out. That’s a valid fear because someone will inevitably find out. However, if we admit our mistakes and make a commitment to change, we get a second chance.

Those living the abundant life know that making mistakes is not quite as bad as not learning from them because then they are destined to repeat them again and again.


…I have come that they may have life and that they

may have it more abundantly.” ~John 10:10 (KJV)

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