People looking for God to reveal himself through a supernatural happening sometimes miss the fact that not all miracles come from God. Consider these scriptures…
Deuteronomy 13:1-3 says that if people foretell dreams or signs and wonders that come to pass, then encourage you to follow other gods than the one true God you should not listen to their words. Therefore, it must be true that others besides God can perform certain signs and wonders.
Mark 13:22-23 tells us to be on guard because others than God can perform miracles that can deceive us into thinking they represent Christ.
Matthew 7:22-23 tells us that many will come to God pointing out that they had performed miracles but God will say, “I never knew you. Get away you evildoers!”
2 Thessalonians 2:8-9 reminds us that Satan has the power to perform counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders.
Exodus 7:11 recounts how Moses and Aaron performed miracles such as having a staff turn into a snake, but Pharaoh summoned his sorcerers and they did the same thing.
Therefore miracles are not always proof of where God is working. Plus, we cannot always trust what we actually see. Just watching a master illusionist such as David Copperfield in Vegas will prove that. Did he really make a tiger appear out of thin air or did he make you believe he made a tiger appear out of thin air? It’s a tricky world.
When we watch faith healings on television, is the person really healed? I’m not so sure. Perhaps some but consider this – in Jesus’ day when He gave a blind man back his sight or made the lame walk it happened in a setting where a whole village actually knew the person. They could attest to the fact that yes, indeed, that person had been blind from birth or this person had never been able to walk. A whole town had seen them struggle day after day. That is just a little different than watching it on TV, attending a faith revival, or having someone you don’t even know interviewed on TV and claim healing. There was no doubt about what Jesus did. It wasn’t left up to speculation.
Also consider this – miracles rarely increase one’s belief in God. The Israelites experienced miracle after miracle and still they did not believe. Once people experience one miracle, they want another, and another, and another.
Do we look to God or to what we think God can do for us through a supernatural wonder? If that is our approach we miss the biggest miracles of all – Christ living and dwelling in us, the peace that passes understanding, fruits of his spirit manifested in our changed lives, and so on.
Be careful what you wish for. If a miracle is what you wish for, you might get it. But just remember this – not all miracles come from God.