
From God comes…

From God comes help. The bleak truth is that we are inadequate in so many ways. Does that mean we are failures? Of course not, but neither are we totally self-sufficient. If we were, we wouldn’t need God. I don’t know about you, but I desperately need God. Sometimes just facing another day requires help from the Lord.

This point was reinforced for me recently because I have been mourning the loss of one of my dearest friends. Evonne and I had been kindred spirits since the second grade—and believe me, that’s a long time. Fortunately, Evonne was ready to meet her Maker face-to-face. She shared with loved ones that for her “to live is Christ, and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21).” She had lived a long, full life and God had rescued her from the jaws of death more than once. Plus, she had survived the death of her husband and other family tragedies. Now she was diagnosed with liver cancer and ready to start chemotherapy. This was not really her desire, but it’s what everyone wanted her to do. So, she approached the prospect in her usual positive manner. She would have rather just drifted off to sleep.

I flew back to Missouri for a visit. We had a wonderful time—two soul sisters giggling like school girls as we reminisced. One night, before we nodded off for the evening in her king-sized bed, we held hands a bit and declared our sisterly love for each other. That night God granted her wish and she drifted off to sleep, passing into the arms of Jesus. I found her the next morning. She was at peace.

Academically, I know she is with God, but emotionally I miss her so much. She is fine, but I am a mess. Those of us who have lost loved ones know what a struggle it is to let go. Gone are those little inside jokes that only the two of you shared. Gone are the walks down memory you took together. Gone is that sweet encouraging voice letting you know you matter. Gone is the wit, wisdom, and laughter that got you through so many difficult times. The grieving process is not easy, but God knows our frailty and gives us permission to mourn (Ecclesiastes 3:4).

In addition, God offers us help in the direst of circumstances. God is our help in times of pain and trouble (Psalm 46:1).  Life goes on and responsibilities must be fulfilled, so God helps us face each new day. That doesn’t mean we always leap from our bed singing. Sometimes just getting out of bed can be an accomplishment. Turning to God can give us the strength, comfort, and courage we need.

Our help comes from God (Psalm 121:2; Psalm 54:4). Of course, we mustn’t confuse help with taking away our problems, but rather, God helps us cope with them. Let’s face it, if the all-powerful, all-knowing, merciful, grace-filled, ever-present God who loves us unconditionally can’t help us face another day, who can? Thankfully, God has assured us that we are never alone or helpless (Hebrews 13:5-6).

“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God…”

~James 1:17 (NLT)

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