
From God comes…

From God comes acceptance, not rejection.

We all have a fear of rejection. The roots for this can start with childhood experiences. Maybe it stems from parents constantly belittling their children or being chosen last for a team. We feel like failures when we are turned down for dates, don’t get into the college of our choice, don’t get the job we want, don’t place in the contest, don’t receive the promotion, don’t win the election, or a loved one leaves us for another. Most of us writers have more rejection slips than pay stubs for manuscripts we’ve submitted to editors.

Fear of rejection has us look for the approval of others, rather than God. Many build walls of protection around themselves hoping to never get hurt again. Most spend their lives trying to avoid rejection rather than learning to deal with it. Unfortunately, there are no courses on “How to Bounce Back 101” so we travel life’s highway feeling unwanted and unloved. This feeds into lies Satan wants us to believe like: we are alone, we aren’t good enough, no one cares, and God has forsaken us.

The Bible is full of stories of rejection. Joseph was rejected by his brothers. (Genesis 37) Moses was rejected by those he put himself in jeopardy to help. (Exodus 2:14) David was rejected by King Saul although he was Saul’s loyal servant. (1 Samuel 18:7-11) Paul was rejected, stoned, and left for dead by those to whom he preached. (Acts 14:19-20)

No one is immune from rejection—not even Jesus Christ. Jesus was rejected by those in His hometown. (Matthew 13:54-58; Mark 6:1-6). He was rejected by many of His followers. (John 6:60) He was rejected by those He came to save. (Isaiah 53:3) After everything God had done for the Israelites, they rejected Him and wanted a physical king like other nations. (1 Samuel 10:19)

Perhaps this is why in God’s plan of salvation everyone is accepted. (Acts 10:34) No one is unloved or unwanted. God loved us from the beginning. While we were sinners He died for us. (Romans 5:6-11) God wants us and loves us just the way we are. Of course, we might want to make a few changes but not so we can earn God’s love because we already have that. God does not want anyone to feel inferior. We are automatically part of the in-crowd, on the team, chosen, winners, and loved.

God created us for acceptance not rejection. That’s why He accepts us and will never reject us. God will not force Himself on us, but He will invite us into a relationship. The tricky part is that we need to say, “Yes!” We have the power to reject God, but He will never reject us.


“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God…”

~James 1:17 (NLT)

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