Wishing You an Abundant New Year

The Abundant Life: Riches money can’t buy…

As we enter the New Year, we busy ourselves thinking how we can make changes to better ourselves. These changes are called New Year’s resolutions. Top resolutions are usually to lose weight, quit smoking, become physically fit, get organized, reduce debt, and drink less. All are noble endeavors, but statistics show they don’t last very long.

Therefore, I’ve decided to take a different approach to my New Year’s resolutions. I’ve decided to make some resolutions I can keep such as:

  • eat more
  • exercise less
  • waste time
  • remain disorganized
  • be stressed
  • procrastinate

These really aren’t lofty goals, but doable! Of course, I jest. Well, not totally jest, but partially jest.   

Actually, making constructive resolutions is not a bad thing. It shows a desire to be a better person. The world thinks being a better person is reflected in how we look to others: thin, athletic, goal oriented, and successful. Man wants to focus on the outside; God wants us to focus on the inside—our heart. (1 Samuel 15:7) Having a heart for God (love of God) and a heart for others (love your neighbor) are resolutions God can bless. (Matthew 22:36-40) 

What changes could we make that would show more love for God and for our fellow man? Love for God might include more praise, more prayer, more drinking in of God’s word. Love for others might include being more kind, patient, peaceable, loving, or encouraging. Plus, these changes help us experience the abundant life mentioned in John 10:10.

In trying to come up with a theme for 2023, John 10:10 kept popping in my mind. In this passage, Jesus tells us that He came so we might have life and have it more abundantly. If you would like to have a more abundant life, come along with me on a weekly journey to explore exactly what that means.

Here’s wishing you an abundant New Year! You can start by resolving to do the best you can with what you have!  


“…I have come that they may have life and that they

may have it more abundantly.” ~John 10:10 (KJV)

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