God Understands

It Is Good to Be Thankful: Appreciation makes the world a better place…

People want so desperately to have others truly understand them, know where they are coming from, and why they do what they do. This can be difficult because we all process life experiences differently. We cannot make others think or feel the same way we do. We cannot convince people to always understand our point of view.

Sometimes I wonder if it isn’t more important to try to understand others, than to force them to understand us. Even if we can’t totally understand them, we can validate their feelings, accept them as they are, and let them know we care. That doesn’t mean we condone everything. It just means we offer a willing heart that listens and tries to hear them.

The world can be a lonely place when we think no one understands. But to be honest, I sometimes don’t even understand myself, so how could I expect others to understand me?

That’s one reason why I’m so thankful for God. It comforts me to realize God knows and understands me. He understands you, too. God knows what emotional baggage we’re dealing with. God knows why certain events or statements trigger a negative reaction in us. God feels our pain and sorrow. God even knows what will make us happy, more than we do.

Sometimes when I feel alone and like no one understands, I read Psalm 139:1-12. If I ever doubt that God knows me, these verses make it clear that He does. He knows me—the real me, not the me I want to project to others so they will like me. He understands me. He comprehends what I do and why I do it. He is acquainted with all my ways. He knows why I say what I say. He formed me, so He knows my strengths and weaknesses. He is with me wherever I go. If I hold His hand, He will gently lead and guide me.

And here’s the best part…God knows and understands me, but loves me anyway. (1 John 3:1) I can accept that, but I find it hard to understand.


“It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord...” ~ Psalms 92:1 (KJV)

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