God Is Faithful

It Is Good to Be Thankful: Appreciation makes the world a better place…

How many of us have trusted salesmen but found they were untruthful, investors but found they were crooks, spouses but found out they committed adultery, evangelists but found they were preaching one way and living another, or politicians but found out they lied? It’s a disillusioning world. Yet, God is always faithful! He is the Rock of a foundation upon which we can build our lives.   

Galatians 5:22 tells us that faithfulness is a fruit of God’s Holy Spirit. The Greek word for faithfulness here is “pistos” which means to be trusted, reliable, believing, firmly persuaded, and having deep conviction. Other meanings would be standing fast, steadfast, loyal, devoted, trustworthy, dependable, resolute, and honest. It also speaks of endurance and a firmness of purpose that supersedes a just “grin and bear it” attitude when the living gets tough.  

“Pistos” is a powerful little word. It’s a very positive, active attribute of character and much needed in today’s flippant, irresponsible world.

God sets the example in faithfulness. He is the source and standard of faithfulness which He has demonstrated in His dealings with the human race. Sometimes I mentally sing the great old hymn “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” to remind me of God’s faithfulness. The lyrics ring true. All we have needed God has provided. We can count on Him to be faithful. He does not change. He doesn’t get tired, weary, or fed up with us when we make mistakes. His compassion and mercy are constantly there for us. He is not slack concerning His promises. (2 Peter 3:9) He will never leave or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)  

We can’t count on much in this disillusioning world, but we can count on God. How thankful I am for God’s faithfulness! 


“It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord…” ~Psalm 92:1 (NKJ)

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