The Abundant Life

Jesus tells us in John 10:10 that he came so we might have life and have it more abundantly. What is this more abundant life Jesus spoke of?  Is it having robust health?  Is it materialism and wealth?  Is it success, power, and prestige?  After all, aren’t these the things most people yearn for and naturally associate with an “abundant life?”  Well, that may be our interpretation of a more abundant life, but our view and God’s view could be vastly different. (Isaiah 55:9)

Many think the more abundant life spoken of in John 10:10 pertains to great prosperity physically, mentally, spiritually, and materially.  Some “health and wealth” or “name it and claim it” gospels want us to come boldly before God and demand the abundance he has promised us.  Faith is measured by how much God blesses us materially.  But do new cars, million dollar homes, plasma TVs, diamonds, rubies, private air planes or bags of money really draw us closer to God? 

God is not the big “sugar daddy” in the sky ready to give us everything we want.  We may prayerfully sing, “Oh Lord won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz?” and we might get it, but that doesn’t mean God gave it to us.  And it definitely has nothing to do with the more abundant life Jesus refers to in John 10:10.

Most know the primary focus of the Christian life should not be on getting things. That doesn’t necessarily mean God wants us to be poverty stricken, although Proverbs tells us, “Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.” (Proverbs 15:15–17)  It would be difficult to find scriptures that focus on Christians “getting” instead of “giving.”  The Bible leans more towards contentment than wanting more, more, more. (1 Timothy 6:8, 9; Philippians 4:11-13; Hebrews 13:5)

In fact Jesus said that a man’s life does not consist of the abundance of the things he might possess. (Luke 12:15)  If we seek first the kingdom of God we won’t have to be overly concerned about such matters. (Matthew 6:31-33)  If we humble ourselves before him, he will exalt us when the time is right. (1 Peter 5:6-7)     

I’m not saying an abundant life precludes wealth, health, or worldly success, but it does not depend on it either.  Paul knew this better than anyone.  He knew how to be abased or exalted, have a full tummy or an empty one, and abound or suffer – and through it all be content and give thanks.  (Philippians 4:11-13; Ephesians 5:20)   

In other words, we can experience the abundant life even if we are going through trials with a family, dealing with a health crisis, poor as a church mouse, or at the bottom of the work force food chain.  John 10:10 is not speaking of prosperity. 

Sometimes we read into the scripture what really isn’t there.  John 10:10 tells us the reason Jesus came was so we could have life (eternal life, everlasting life, life without fear of death).  The phrase “more abundantly” is the Greek word “perissos” meaning “beyond, more, and above measure.”  It refers back to the word “life.”  Not only did Jesus come to give us eternal life, but even more than that, he lives his life within us right now.  His very presence in us adds something immeasurable to our existence.  He is what makes our life worth living in spite of how much money we have in the bank.  

If we read the whole passage of John 10 closely we see it’s about Jesus being our shepherd, we sheep hearing his voice, and Jesus being our open door.  The whole context is referring to us having access to God.  And that, my friend, is what the more abundant life is all about.  Not only do we get eternal life but as an added bonus we have the opportunity to build a relationship with Jesus Christ – the very one who makes it all possible.           

Our lives are richer because Jesus is a part of our lives.  If we actively live our lives to the glory of God, our lives will be rewarding.  We don’t have to be stressed or filled with fear.  We can have a peace that passes understanding because we trust God.  He has it all handled.  That doesn’t mean there won’t be illness, sadness or danger, but it does mean God is with us through it all.   

Man views abundance in terms of physical possessions.  God has a different perspective.  His abundant life is filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control, compassion, humility, character, wisdom, enthusiasm, dignity, optimism, confidence, honesty, and a relationship with him.  In other words, the more abundant life is full of all the things money can’t buy.  No matter how much money you have, you cannot buy more patience, wisdom, hope, self-control, or salvation!

Money cannot buy us a “more abundant” life, but God can give it to us if we let him enter into our lives.  The more we open our hearts to God, the more abundant our lives will be.  

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