It Is Good to Be Thankful: Appreciation makes the world a better place…
I’ve always been fascinated by the whole pregnancy/childbirth process. Having gone through it three times myself, I can think of no other experience that has reinforced the existence of God to me as much as feeling life inside my body and bringing a baby into the world. I marvel how anyone can think such a miracle is the product of evolution.
There are many arguments in today’s society for not having children. Movies make babies look all cute and cuddly, but the first few months can be grueling. Endless diaper changes, feedings, and sleepless nights take a lot of emotional and physical energy, which can intensify if a baby has health problems or the colic. Children change marriage dynamics. Priorities rearrange as spouses defer to the inconvenience of a helpless infant. Free time becomes a thing of the past.
As children grow, parents realize what a huge commitment and responsibility they are. Children do not make for an orderly lifestyle. They’re messy. They make mistakes. Parents make mistakes. It costs a lot of money to raise a child. It also takes a lot of hard work, energy, and time. Parents try various methods to communicate, educate, teach, and impart spiritual and moral values. They worry about them and hurt for them. Parents struggle watching children make choices they wouldn’t make—not always wrong choices, but different because they are not little robot versions of us. Parents wrestle with how tightly to hold on, how soon to let go.
These are valid arguments for not bringing a child into an overpopulated, evil world. In biblical times, children were considered a blessing (Psalm 127:3 NLT). Today they are considered an inconvenience—because they are. So I can understand why people choose not to have or adopt children.
Yet, for me, I think God used my children to teach me some of the most valuable lessons of life. In spite of the sleepless nights, I thought every sigh, smile, laugh, and move they made was adorable. They opened my eyes to the creation around me by forcing me to look at sunsets, butterflies, trees, bugs, and flowers. I learned to cope with worry, doubt, frustration, and the realization that “my” way wasn’t always the best for them. I shared their joy and shared their pain. I found out there was something more important in the universe than “me.” I learned to “let go and let God!”
God calls us His children (1 John 3:1) What a bountiful blessing to be called a child of God! How thankful I am that God is willing to love and care for me in spite of how messy and inconvenient I am!
“It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord...” ~ Psalms 92:1 (KJV)