
It Is Good to Be Thankful: Appreciation makes the world a better place…

I will admit that I am very enamored by technology, especially my cell phone and computer. While it’s true that I’ve had to learn new skills such as rebooting, backing up, charging, finding good internet connections, plus how to delete, save, copy, and paste, the pros far outweigh the cons.

I love my cell phone. If I need a flashlight, it’s there. If I need a calculator, it’s there. If I need a GPS, it’s there. If I need to take a picture, it’s there. If I need to kill time playing some little video game, it’s there. If I need someone’s phone number, it’s there. If I need an alarm clock, it’s there. If I need to make a phone call, it’s there. Watching old movies reminds me of how dependent we were on telephone booths which are almost nonexistent today. Even Clark Kent had to adapt or there would be no Superman. 

I love my computer. If I need reviews for service companies, it’s there. If I need to find some trivia tidbit, it’s there. If I need the yellow pages, it’s there. If I need to type a report, it’s easy. If I need to store material, I file it on the computer. In the olden days, I had to use a typewriter and make carbon copies. Computers give me access to research instantly. As a writer, I used to have to send off for a book from the Library of Congress to get certain data, but not anymore. I love having access to information at my fingertips.

It amazes me that I can love something so much but not have a clue as to how it functions. It’s unbelievable how technologically challenged I am. Yet, I know it works and that’s enough for me.  

Sometimes I feel that way about God. God has revealed some mysteries to us, but some He has not. Do I understand how God created the heavens and earth (Genesis 1:1)? Not really! Do I understand God’s capacity to love me (Romans 5:8)? Not really! Do I understand how God can live in me (Colossians 1:26-27)? Not really!

God being three in one as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all working together mystifies me (Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Ephesians 4:4-6; 1 Peter 1:2). I believe it. I know it’s true. But do I fully understand it? Not really! Do I need to fully understand it to embrace it? I thank God that I don’t. I just know that it works and that’s enough for me.


“It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord...” ~ Psalms 92:1 (KJV)

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