Think on These Things: Positive thoughts in a negative world…
Attitude reveals a lot about us. Our attitude is how we think or feel about something. It represents our outlook and disposition which influences our behavior. It lies deep inside us and eventually comes bubbling out (Matthew 15:18), sometimes when we least suspect it.
It is counter-productive to blame our attitudes on other people or events. Many times we cannot control what happens to us, but we can always control our attitude and how we respond to what happens. There’s an old adage about two men in prison. One looks out the barred window down at the ground and sees mud. The other one looks up and sees the moon and stars. Which one am I?
We can influence our attitudes by using words of affirmation instead of words of condemnation. This works when we speak of others as well as ourselves. Put downs are not conducive to good attitudes. Being thankful regardless of circumstances is also helpful. We can always find some little something to be thankful for if we look hard enough. Many times we see what we are looking for. If we are looking for the good, we can find it. The same principle applies when we are looking for the bad.
When Moses sent the twelve spies to explore Canaan, ten came back with a negative report (Numbers 13:27-29). They basically said, “Yes, it is a good land, but the inhabitants are strong and like giants. We’ll never be able to overcome them.” However, Joshua and Caleb who had seen the same things had a different attitude (Numbers 14:6). Sure, there might be a few problems but God wanted them to have this land flowing with milk and honey, and with God’s help they could take it.
Having God in our lives should give us spiritual perspective regardless of what happens. There is no need to despair because we can turn our worries and burdens over to Him. Psalm 21:6 says, “You have made him exceedingly glad with your presence.” Being glad could be another way of saying “good attitude.” A good attitude can come from realizing God wants to bless us and does so everyday—sometimes in big ways and sometimes in small ways. A small blessing during times of hardship can be a big blessing in disguise. However, if our attitude isn’t right, we might not even recognize it.
Bad attitudes magnify circumstances, breed anger, cause us to lash out at others, and keep us from moving forward in our Christian walk. I’ve heard it said that a bad attitude is like a flat tire. You won’t get anywhere until you change it.
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” ~Philippians 4:8 (KJV)