Choose to Show Loving Kindness

A Year of Choices…

By Barbara Dahlgren from Barbara’s Banter at


Loving Kindess - chesedWe should all strive to be kind but showing loving kindness goes one step farther.  Loving kindness requires us to give just a little bit more to others.

A little girl was once asked to tell the difference between kindness and loving kindness.  She replied, “When I ask my mom for a piece of toast with butter on it and she gives it to me – that’s kindness.  If she puts a little jam on it – that’s loving kindness.”  I heard that story years ago and have never forgotten it.

Isn’t that the way God is with us?  He continually demonstrates his loving kindness to us through His blessings.  But God doesn’t just give us blessings; He gives us blessings with a little “jam” on top.  God doesn’t just want us to have life; He wants us to have it abundantly.  (John 10:10)

Micah uses the term “loving kindness” when giving instruction to God’s people.  He explains that animal sacrifices or finest ointments are not what really please God.  God want us “to do justly, love mercy, and to walk humbly with God.”  (Micah 6:8)  The phrase “love mercy” is sometimes translated into “love kindness” because it is the Hebrew word “chesed” which means “loving kindness.”  “Chesed” is more precisely translated “to love with the mercy of God.”  So we are to try to love others patterned after God’s love for us.  God is our role model.

The word for “loving kindness” doesn’t really appear in the New Testament but seems to be embodied in the word “chrestotes” which adds the dimension of goodness, gentleness and brotherly love.  It’s that little something extra that lets others know we are followers of Jesus. (John 13:31-35)   That’s why Paul told the Ephesians to be kind and tenderhearted to one another.  (Ephesians 4:32)

Loving kindness goes a step farther than kindness.  It’s what makes us go the extra mile. (Matthew 5:41)  How does showing loving kindness manifest itself in our everyday lives?

Cup of Cold Water

Here’s a little illustration:  Christ tells us that those who give a cup of cold water to little ones are blessed.  (Matthew 10:42).   I’ve often wondered why he makes a point of saying the water is cold.  Room temperature water can quench a thirst just as much as “cold” water.  I can’t help but think that the water being cold is that little bit of extra love that makes it all the more special.

Loving kindness is not just being polite and mannerly.  It’s putting a little extra love into everything we do.  It’s this type of love in action that impacts those around us.  People we come in contact with need to see Jesus in our lives.

Consider this… The greatest act of loving kindness is when Jesus gave His life for our sins.  He did it willingly.  His motive was not to get something from us, but to give us something.

Of course this type of sacrifice is not what God requires of us.  Micah 6:8 tells us what we can do to really please God:  “…do justly, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.”  God shows loving kindness to us and wants us to show it to others.  Sometimes a little loving kindness is just bringing a cold glass of water to a thirsty person.

Never Look Down on Anyone

Suggestions for practicing this choice…

  • Don’t consider yourself better than others.  God loves a humble spirit.
  • Try to picture yourself in someone else’s circumstances – walking a mile in his/her shoes; then walk the extra mile. (Matthew 5:41)
  • Show loving kindness to your enemies as well as to your friends.  That’s what praying for your enemies is all about. (Matthew 5:44)
  • When doing acts of kindness try to go a little above and beyond.  Think about what you would like done for you then do it for others.  I think there’s a scripture about that. (Luke 6:31)
  • Show yourself some loving kindness.  Lighten up!  God doesn’t want a bunch of gloomy Christians representing Him.



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