The Quick Fix Prayer

Keep Calm - No Quick FixLiving in a “quick-fix” society, we would all prefer God to instantly, magically fix our dire circumstances. But God is not always in the “quick-fix” game. Prayer is not the easy way out. We don’t look to God to do for us what we are too lazy to do for ourselves. Sometimes God offers quick delivery and sometimes he doesn’t.

Sometimes we want that quick fix so badly that we don’t even ask God, we tell him what to do and how to do it. Remember that prayer is asking God to do “his thing,” not getting him to do “our thing.” God’s timing may not be as quick as we would like but his timing is always perfect.

Indeed God is capable of immediately easing our pain or difficulties, but he doesn’t always touch us with a magic wand where it hurts to make it better – like kissing a “boo-boo.” Although he might sprinkle a little fairy dust of stamina, encouragement, perseverance or peace of mind over us – so we can make it through the hard times. God may not provide escape from difficult circumstances, but he might give us the strength we need to face, conquer, and endure them.

Sometimes God isn’t as concerned about our circumstances as he is about our reaction to them or what we can learn from them. Sometimes God offers pieces of solutions – bit by bit. Maybe he will plant a seed coming from something we read, a phrase, the lyrics to a song we’re listening to, something someone says off handedly and these things start us on the road to finding a solution to our dilemma. God is more interested in our spiritual growth than making us feel good.

Here’s a little poem to illustrate…

I asked for strength,
And God gave me difficulties to make me strong;

I asked for wisdom,
And God gave me problems to learn to solve;

I asked for prosperity,
And God gave me brain and brawn to work;

I asked for courage,
And God gave me dangers to overcome;

I asked for patience.
God placed me in situations where I was forced to wait.

I asked for love,
And God gave me people to help;

I asked for favors,
And God gave me opportunities.

I received nothing I wanted;
I received everything I needed.

Prayer is turning control of our lives over to God. Prayer is trusting God. God answers all our prayers! His answers may not always come as quickly as we would like, but they are guaranteed to be the answers we need. We can be thankful God knows the difference between what we want and what we need. Quick does not mean better.

I Want a PonyTrust


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