Happy Mother’s Day 2014

Mary & Baby Jesus.2Mothers who understand the miracle of childbirth realize all children are a gift from God and that rearing them is the most important thing they will ever do.  That’s why many may feel ill equipped for the parenting tasks they face.  In our last blog we explored how Mary, the mother of Jesus, felt the same way.  Yet her example for mothers can be encouraging.       

Are you fearful and apprehensive?  Mary was.   

Do you lack a high school or college education?  Mary did.  

Do you feel you are too young to be a mother, but still you have a child?  Mary was young and inexperienced in the ways of the world. 

Are you a single mother?  At times, Mary might have been.  Tradition indicates Joseph died since there is no mention of him after the incident at the temple when Jesus was a youth. 

Are you from a working class family?  Mary was of humble origins and considered a handmaiden or servant.     

Are you of modest means?  Mary was far from wealthy. 

Do you realize the birth of a child is a miracle?  Mary did and she praised God for it. 

Are you concerned about your child?  Mary was visibly upset when her son was missing, even though she found him at the temple. 

Do you feel inadequate?  Mary did, but she trusted God.

Jesus was God’s own son.  God must have given careful thought to choosing just the right mother for him, knowing that mothers have a great deal of influence over their children.  Ralph Waldo Emerson once said:  “People are what their mothers make them.”  God could have chosen a twenty-five year old, rich, educated, beauty queen to be the mother of Jesus, but he didn’t.  He chose Mary – a young, inexperienced girl with a heart for the Lord. 

All mothers can learn from her example.  Mary felt ill equipped for the responsibility of motherhood.  She knew she didn’t have all the answers, but she knew how to trust the one who did – God!

Happy Mother’s Day to mothers everywhere!   


Shelly & Sophia  


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