Bringing People to Christ

I must admit I have a problem with phrases implying that it is our job to “bring or lead people to Christ.” It gives the impression that it is our responsibility to convert people. That is a very loose interpretation of scripture.

Spiritually speaking conversion means to turn to Christ. Does anyone really seek God on their own (Romans 3:11)? Or rather does God draw them to Him (John 6:44)? It is God who chooses us, not the other way around (John 15:16).

I Choose You..

Could it be that God is not calling everyone to Him at this time? No one calls Jesus Lord unless the Holy Spirit leads them to do so (1 Corinthians 12:3). It is the Holy Spirit who does the bringing or leading, not us. If God is relying on us to save everyone, the world is doomed.

Fortunately we have a God who is perfectly capable of doing that with or without our help.  If that is the case just exactly what is our responsibility? Are we to do nothing?

Well, I guess if we don’t want to do anything we don’t have to. However, we may quench the very spirit that drew us to Christ to begin with (1 Thessalonians 5:19). I think God would rather us participate with Him in what He is doing in the lives of others. What are some ways we can do that? Here are a few suggestions…

  • Use our gifts for the benefit of others
  • Let our lights shine
  • Share what God has done for us to those who ask (1 Peter 3:15)
  • Serve and help
  • Be hospitable
  • Listen to others with our hearts
  • Give God the glory
  • Become a missionary if we are so inclined
  • Do not look down on those who do not accept Christ
  • Love people rather than try to “fix” them
  • Don‘t just preach God’s word, live it
  • The list is endless

In other words we live a Christian life and do “Christian stuff,” but it’s up to God in how he will use what we do for the benefit of others. God may allow us to plant some seeds, but He is the one who makes the seeds grow with His water and sunshine. It is He who brings or leads people to Christ, not us.

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