Why America Is Great

My husband and I have had the privilege of visiting countries steeped in ancient history such as Greece, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Spain, and China.  However, no matter where we travel, we are always thankful to get back home to America.  We have freedoms and blessings other countries envy.  America is GREAT!

Although America’s age seems small in comparison to other countries, it is rich none-the-less.  America fought and gained freedom from British rule, survived a devastating civil war, plus has helped others fight for freedom as well.  Her history may be small, but her heritage is mighty.    

As we celebrate Independence Day (Fourth of July) we should reflect on how miraculous it was to win that war with the British in 1776.  We were outnumbered, less experienced in military operations, and weary in battle.  Yet we prevailed and our nation grew into a greatness that was beyond even her comprehension.          

In the 1830s the famous French political philosopher and author, Alexis deTocqueville, visited our nation to find out more about her greatness.  He traveled the land, interviewed people, observed the military, looked at Congress, and studied the Constitution.  The result was his book Democracy in America.  He found America a country steeped in Christianity, with Christian morality the same everywhere.  He wrote that the spirit of freedom and the spirit of religion seemed to pursue the same course in America which was diametrically opposite to what he experienced in France. 

This is not surprising since America has a spiritual foundation woven into her historical tapestry.  The first act the Puritans performed when landing at Plymouth Rock was to kneel, thank God, and dedicate this new colony to him.  The song My Country ‘Tis of Thee was written by a minister (Samuel Francis Smith). Our Pledge of Allegiance was written by a minister (Francis Bellamy).  The words “In God We Trust” was placed on our currency due to the efforts of a minister (W.R. Watkinson).  The list could go on and on.

Could this devotion to God hold the key to why America is great?   Psalm 33:12 says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord…”   

Today America’s Christianity is flawed and fragmented.  Christianity has always been a bit flawed.  Anything humans touch becomes flawed.  We won’t get it totally right until Christ returns and reveals our errors.  And as we grew in population it was only natural that we would become more fragmented.  However, this does not negate the fact that God is the one who has blessed us above all other nations.  If we ever let go of that reality, our blessings and our greatness could cease to exist.

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