Choose to Be Still

Another Year of Choices

By Barbara Dahlgren

Psalm 46.10As Christians we have a tendency of wanting to do something to be Christians.  Unfortunately this leads some to think they must perform a ritualistic list of do’s and don’ts to earn salvation.  But we cannot earn salvation.  It is a free gift from God.  Therefore we don’t do things to be Christians, but as Christians there are things we do.  One such thing is learning to be still.  God tells us, “Be still and know I am God.”  (Psalm 46:10)

We are in such a hurry, always going here and there, always doing this and that.  But constant activity does not equal productivity or progress.  A hamster can constantly run on a wheel but he’s not really getting anywhere, is he?  Let’s face it… some of us are never “still” long enough to give God a chance to work in our lives.

Plus many of us are intimidated by silence.  We must have music in the background or the TV on at all times.  Remember that God’s voice came to Elijah in a whisper.  (1 Kings 19:9-13)  A whisper cannot be heard amidst noise.  Some say that God never talks to them.  Well, with all the noise around us how would we hear Him?

So silence and being still go against every instinct we have.  But in our hearts we know that white noise and busyness cannot solve our problems.  Only God can solve our problems.  And in order to connect with God we must stop and be silent so we can focus on Him.  In this focused silence, when we are still, we come to know God.  We acknowledge He is worthy of our undivided attention.  We let Him lavish His gifts of peace, comfort, hope, contentment, and love upon us – all the things our busyness can’t provide.  Here in the stillness we meditate on Jesus and ask Him to be manifested in our lives.

Psalm 46 speaks of God being our refuge and strength – our present help in time of trouble.  God takes care of and defends His people.  So when verse 10 says, “Be still and know that I am God” in a way it is also telling us to stop struggling and surrender ourselves to God who is our refuge and strength.  God has it all under control.  So we need to let-go of our worries and let-God do His thing!

Stand Still and See the Salvation of the Lord

That’s basically what Moses told the children of Israel to do.  “Fear not, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.” (Exodus 14:13)  How can we see the salvation of the Lord if we never take the time to be still and look for it?

Once when Jesus wanted to get away from the crowds, he and the disciples took a little boat trip.  He was exhausted and fell asleep.  A huge storm arose.  The waves were tossing the boat around and filling it with water.  The men were afraid and panicky.  Yet Jesus slept.  In frustration the men woke Jesus and said, “Don’t you care that we are perishing?”  Jesus rebuked the wind and sea saying, “Peace. Be still!”  And the wind ceased and there was great calm.  Jesus said, “Why are you so afraid?” (Mark 4:39)

Consider this… Why are we so afraid?  Do we not know the same Jesus who calmed that storm can take care of us?  If He can take care of the wind and sea, he can take care of you and me.

Be still and know God!

Suggestions for practicing this choice…

  • Ask God to help you make time and take time to be still and quiet in His presence.
  • Everyday find a quiet spot and say little prayer.  Maybe something like… “Dear God, please help me to be still and know you are God.”  Then take 5 minutes (or even more, but 5 minutes is a start) meditating about God’s greatness.
  • Everyday find a quiet spot and read one scripture.  Then spend 5 minutes thinking about the scripture and how it applies to your life.
  • Everyday find a quiet spot and ask Jesus how you can better reflect Him living in you.  Then just sit for 5 minutes and think about that.
  • While researching this subject I happened onto a free 28 day devotional about Psalm 46 and being still.  You may find it helpful:
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