Category Archives: Uncategorized


From God comes… From God comes abundance.   Christ came so we might have life and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10) Some modern ministers want us to believe this refers to wealth and prosperity. They encourage people to go … Continue reading

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From God comes… From God comes our identity. Our identity is in Christ. A lot of people are confused today about who they are and have what is called an identity crisis. People try to define themselves based on their … Continue reading

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From God comes… From God comes power. Often we hear the adage that there is power in prayer. That may be a little misleading because prayer by itself has no power at all. The power actually comes from the One … Continue reading

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Unlimited Access

From God comes… From God comes unlimited access to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Today our access to many things is quite restrictive. Guest lists are screened. Only certain ones get invited to prestigious events. Sometimes extensive background searches … Continue reading

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From God comes… From God comes acceptance, not rejection. We all have a fear of rejection. The roots for this can start with childhood experiences. Maybe it stems from parents constantly belittling their children or being chosen last for a … Continue reading

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Our New Name

From God comes… From God comes our new name. Changing one’s name is not a unique concept. Movie stars used to do it all the time. Doris Kappelhoff became Doris Day. Marion Morrison became John Wayne. Issur Danielovitch became Kirk … Continue reading

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Something New

From God comes… From God comes something new. The word “new” sounds hopeful and happy. As kids we relished that new toy. As a teen we loved getting that new car. It might have been a second hand Toyota, but … Continue reading

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From God comes… From God comes continual reminders. My life is an endless cycle of walking into rooms and forgetting what I went in there to get. Although some of this can be attributed to aging, humans in general have … Continue reading

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Victory Over Death

From God comes… From God comes victory over death. Thousands of years ago, Job asked a question about death that has continued to plague mankind. “If a man dies, will he live again?” (Job 14:14) Science may be able to … Continue reading

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The Resurrection

From God comes… From God comes the resurrection. When the women went to the tomb of Jesus to anoint his dead body with spices, they were surprised to find that He had risen from the dead. (Mark 16:1) When they … Continue reading

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