Category Archives: Uncategorized

Your Testimony

From God comes… From God comes your testimony which is your story of becoming a Christian or perhaps a specific time when God protected, delivered, or did something special that impacted your life greatly. Testimonies of encountering God are personal … Continue reading

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From God comes… From God comes seasons. Spring, summer, winter, and fall show God’s diversity. Many life lessons can be drawn from watching God’s seasonal creation unfold for it is God who changes the times and the seasons. (Daniel 2:21) … Continue reading

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A Call to Action

From God comes… From God comes a call to action. Christians cannot afford to sit on the sidelines and become stagnant. Followers of Christ are constantly moving toward loving others and growing spiritually. The Bible is full of exhortations illustrated … Continue reading

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From God comes… From God comes Communion. Communion has a couple of definitions. One, of course, is the special Christian service, an act of worship where bread and wine are consecrated and shared. When Christians partake of this Holy Communion, … Continue reading

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From God comes… One of the many names for God in the Old Testament is Yahweh Yireh or Jehovah Jireh which means “The Lord Will Provide.” First found in Genesis 22:13-14, the actual Hebrew word here means “provide” or “see” … Continue reading

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From God comes… From God comes sufficiency. A definition of sufficiency is to have an adequate amount of something, especially something essential. The world wants us to be self-sufficient. There is nothing wrong with working hard, taking care of ourselves, … Continue reading

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From God comes… From God comes liberty. A concise definition of liberty might be the state of being free from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s life or the ability to act as one pleases. With Fourth of July … Continue reading

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Transcendent Eyesight

From God comes… From God comes transcendent eyesight. Transcendent means above and beyond the range of normal or merely human experience. In other words, the ability to view the world, our circumstances, or people we meet from a spiritual perspective. … Continue reading

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Call to Worship

From God comes… From God comes a call to worship Him. God beckons us to worship Him! This is not just an invitation, but an admonition. We were created to worship God. (Isaiah 43:21) The Bible is full of exhortations … Continue reading

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A Way Out

From God comes… From God comes a way out. At times, we all feel trapped by our trials. Some circumstances are beyond our control. Life can be overwhelming. We think we have no way out. We pray for God’s deliverance … Continue reading

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