Choose to See the BIG Picture

A Year of Choices…

By Barbara Dahlgren from Barbara’s Banter at


St. Peter's Basillica MosaicPerspective is all about how we see things.  How we see things profoundly affects us.  It determines how we live our lives and how we will react in any given circumstance.  One key to achieving the right kind of perspective is:  seeing the BIG picture.

When we were at St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City a few years ago I was mesmerized by the artwork.  The basilica’s interior is elaborately decorated with frescoes in the dome and huge paintings hanging on the walls.  Imagine my surprise, finding out these “paintings” are not paintings at all.  They are actually mosaics.  Each has a myriad of tiny tesserae (little pieces of glass) painstakingly and intricately put together.  When we got very, very close we could see these minute fragments of glass, but that’s about all we could see.  However, when we stood back we could see the BIG picture in all its magnificence and glory!

And that’s what gives us perspective – being able to see the BIG picture.

When we become a Christian we become a new person.  (2 Corinthians 5:17)  We embrace a new outlook, a new set of values, and a new perspective on life.  These dictate how we want to live our lives or how we will react in certain circumstances.  As we learn to trust and believe God we see everything through the eyes of faith.  We see the BIG picture.

When we are too close to something we can only see us.  We see our confusion, our disappointment, and our seemingly impossible situation.  We think the picture is all about us.  We can’t see God in our picture until we step back.  We can’t get God’s perspective until we let him in the picture.  Remember God’s thoughts are not our thoughts.  God’s perspective is not our perspective – and it’s his perspective that counts.  After all, God knows everything and we don’t.  God has an eternal perspective.

Perhaps through a Christian’s chronic illness a nurse is moved by the peace exhibited and wants to know more about Jesus.  Perhaps a Christian demonstrates love and grace when criticized and insulted and God is glorified.  Perhaps a Christian’s car breaks down and the mechanic needs some prayer.  Everything we experience or do can move us and others towards Christ.  Isn’t that the ultimate goal?  Isn’t that the purpose of a Christian life?  Keeping God in the BIG picture is what allows us to find peace in the midst of chaos, contentment in the time of uncertainty, and joy in the midst of strife.

When we truly see the BIG picture we believe God’s word.  We turn our cares and worries over to God.  We trust him to do what’s best.  We may not know why something happens but we don’t let it deter us from following Christ.  We believe God loves us even if he doesn’t deliver us, realizing God’s plans and glory are more important than our circumstances.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego knew that.  When they faced the fiery furnace they basically said, “We know our God is able to deliver us, but even if he doesn’t we will still obey him, worship him, and follow him.”  They knew that following God was more important than their circumstances or even their lives.  They could see God in the BIG picture – and so could the guards when they looked into that furnace and saw God walking around with those three young men.  (Daniel 3)

Consider this… Sometimes we have big problems; sometimes we just think we have big problems.  But no matter what the size of our problems, if we keep God in our BIG picture he’ll take care of them, because our God is BIGGER than all our problems put together.

Mimi & Eunice_68

Suggestions for practicing this choice…

  • Repeat 50 times a day, “I am not the center of the Universe.”
  • Repeat 50 times a day, “God loves me but I’m not the center of His Universe.”
  • Think of ways to serve others. Even making a point to smile or offering a word of encouragement helps you get your mind off yourself.
  • Ask yourself repeatedly what your purpose is.  Is it to live a problem free life or is it to glorify God?  God never promised us a problem free life but he did promise to be with us through all our problems.
  • Although we don’t like to think about it this way, all problems can be an opportunity for growth and trusting God.  So when they arise, no matter their size, ask God to help you see the BIG picture.  There may be a better job in your future.  There may be a more fulfilling relationship in the horizon.  God can give you the peace and faith to see you through to what better things he has in store for you.  (Jeremiah 29:11)

Jeremiah 29.11

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